Tuesday 26 June 2012

Dead rabbit found today

I made a flying visit to allotment this afternoon, thought the scarecrows were great, slightly earie as they look real out of the corner of your eye. I hope the birds are being put off. Anyway while I was there with the children they spotted a dead rabbit on the corner of Nick's plot near the bottom hedge,we didn't investigate how it died and we didn't bury it as we were short of time and the children were squirmish at the thought of moving it. Hopefully this doesn't signify the start a problem. I haven't noticed any problems that aren't likely to be due to birds and my very casual look around didn't identify any burrows. Just thought i'd mention it as it may explain nibbles. Jo

Worked out how to create new post

Hi I had lost the link for new posts but i've just worked out how to do it from the main blog page. Click on log in button top right corner of screen Next page had a write sign(short fat pencil shape) and that gave me the writing page. Hope it works Jo

Monday 28 May 2012

Dare I say it - we need rain!!

I know, we have had plenty of rain in April for a lifetime but now the ground is very dry and dusty.  A little shower here or there wouldn't go amiss :-)
Digging out the weeds in the ransom strip proved a challenge yesterday - they feel like they are concreted in!
Enjoy the weather and see you up there for our daily watering sessions.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Frost forecast for w/e

Early May, bindweed just about the only thing germinating and growing strongly. I seem to have loads coming up and it is all over the ransom strip, will try and have a go at it over w/e, at least the soil is soft! I still haven't planted my last three rows of potatoes, still chitting in my garage, as it has been to wet. Hopefully the rain will pause long enough..... I need to earth up the pots i've already got in as they have just started to come through and there is frost forcast for saturday night. Hoping for some sunshine but i think i'm going to be disappointed Jo

Monday 16 April 2012

Mid April

What has Germinated mid April? My mange-tout are showing well, but only three peas have made it so far. They were planted in same trench at same time nearly a month ago. I had similar problems germinating peas last year, obviously doing something wrong. Mange-tout were just as easy last year providing they were protected from birds. I'll give the peas another week then resow them and I'll try soaking them this time unless anyone has other advice. The line of radishes that had germinated have now been eaten, hungry birds probably, you wouldn't think they would like them! Need to sow some more. I think a few parsnips are just starting to show but difficult to tell amongst all the weed seedlings. Lettuce is showing well, as is spinach. Lots of thinning needed there. Sunflowers also visible i'm excited to say, planted three weeks ago, i've only had success from indoor sowing previously and these are from seeds from last years plants, so free. As for the weeds, they are coming on nicely of couse! Loads of couch grass and other grasses are appearing. I think the bindweed is just starting to germinate, and masses of other stuff. Loads of howing and hand weeding needed. Potatoes that i planted (too) early March, 6 weeks ago, are showing less sign of life than ones planted 2 weeks ago but there is very little from any of them yet. I covered the first leaves on a few plants last night to protect from frost, but i think i need to investigate what is happening in the first trench as only one is showing. I didn't have much success with sequential planting of anything last year, things tended to be ready regardless of when planted, i'm trying to separate things by longer time frame this year but i think i was too hasty with my first row of potatoes. I've one more row of earlies then two rows of main crop still to go in during next couple of weeks or so. Loads to do, garden at home horribly neglected! Jo

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Have we had any rain yet?

Early April and no rain for ages, three weeks? more? Have we had any today? How much? The forecast is promising loads, fingers crossed. A few of my radishes had started to show last time I looked but nothing else, very exciting.
Thanks to Sergio for setting this blog up. Great to be able to share info and experiences, ask questions etc. I have fallen in love with our allotment (sorry, Sean's allotment!). I love being up there, seeing our efforts turn in to real things to eat (wow!), wondering at how others have grown such beautiful cabbages when ours were mostly a refuge for white fly, hearing the skylarks singing and the corn bunting calling from just over the road (yet to hear him this year - hope he is OK) and the buzzards and skylarks wheeling overhead, meeting new people and getting to know others better.

Long live Steeple Morden, its allotments and all its allotmenteers!